The Yellow Tower of the Abbey of St. Mary

The Yellow Tower of the Abbey of St. Mary
Trim, Ireland

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Movie Ideas

I don't know if it is just watching all these "great" films or me being bored but recently I've been running movie ideas through my head. On my way home from work today I started thinking about Battle Royale, a Japanese movie with a cast full of high school classmates that are left on a deserted island and are forced to kill each other off to survive. Only one person gets to win by killing everyone else and being allowed to live. Anyhow I would love to see an American version with all of the overexposed, unenlightened, Lala Land morons roaming around. Starring in no particular order, Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton, maybe include the outspoken politico's; Brad Pitt and wifey, Bono,the scientologists; John Travolta, Tom Cruise and throw Shia LeBeouf in there cause he's in everything now anyway. I can only imagine watching them fight to the death and how little their celebrity ideals would mean to them in that scenario. Just an idea. I think I'll start working on a script.

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