The Yellow Tower of the Abbey of St. Mary

The Yellow Tower of the Abbey of St. Mary
Trim, Ireland

Monday, January 26, 2009

Catch Up

My previously stated schedule of one blog per week has obviously not been working. However I got tonight off of class so I figured I'd catch y'all up. Alyssa and I went shopping in the city with her Mom and brother. Ellie was born to Ryan and Bryn, she's adorable and has done nothing but sleep when I'm about. I went up to Tahoe over Martin Luther King Jr. weekend with a Fu Manchu mustache. I looked absolutely ridiculous and loved it. I finished another semester of my apprenticeship school and am down to three semesters left (out of 10). Josh and I are looking at a refinance on our house that could lower our mortgage payment nicely and help us both to save significantly more money every month. I love my girlfriend and every moment I spend with her. Alyssa has truly made it apparent to me what "She makes me want to be a better person" actually means. We have a great time every time we hang out and she actually recently ordered Bringing Up Baby so we can finally continue our movie list. All in all life's good.