The Yellow Tower of the Abbey of St. Mary

The Yellow Tower of the Abbey of St. Mary
Trim, Ireland

Saturday, July 26, 2008

The House! & Movie Update

I'm in, here are some pics:

So of the top 100 list, Alyssa and I have completed the final, or first, depending on how you look at it, 10 films. The most recent three (yet to be blogged films) are The French Connection, Goodfellas and Sophie's Choice. Goodfellas was as great as I'd recalled, and The French Connection was fun, mostly seeing Gene Hackman as a bad ass. Sophie's Choice was good but I didn't like seeing Kevin Kline as a nutcase. He's always been a very likable guy in his films, even in A Fish Called Wanda, when he tortured an animal loving stutterer by swallowing fish out of his tank. Now that's a brilliant movie! Anyhow, I've enjoyed the experience of the first ten and it has certainly broadened my horizons, cinematically speaking.
I've worked 12 of the past 13 days and just recently got Internet back so I've been lazy with the blog. I'm hoping to publish a "Flora of Ireland and France" post, which is pretty much a bunch of closeups of pretty flowers. I know, a little gay, but surprisingly pretty. Until next time.

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