No, not the tv show, Alyssa and I have been doing some serious upgrades around here. First, Josh and I decided to redo the floors in the bathrooms. We ripped out the very old looking linoleum and threw in some nice tile floor. Then, because Alyssa is going to move in soon and has always hated our sink, I replaced the kitchen sink for her. After that she took it upon herself to p
aint the ceiling, with help from her mom and bro. And on Saturday, while she was out getting crazy at her bachelorette pa
rty, I put together one of her Christmas gifts. I know Christmas was six months ago but she didn't want me installing a shelf and bench combo while I had roommates. I guess she didn't think Josh and Vorp would appreciate it as much. Anyhow, to offset all that domesticating I went ahea
d and got a new beer fridge from my work. Alyssa loves it (not at all) but she said I can decorate the garage since she is taking care of every other aspect of personalizing our home. Also, I have less than two weeks until I'm married, and I have all of fifteen days until I land in Paris! We are both very, very, ready.
Mia has become Merida lately; she is such a brave girl, conquering feats on
the playground that she would have cowered at before. And the beautiful
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