The Yellow Tower of the Abbey of St. Mary

The Yellow Tower of the Abbey of St. Mary
Trim, Ireland

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Camera Is Back!

Nicest part about my new iphone? Always having a camera with me. I went down to Carmel last weekend to help install a new door at my parent's home there. My dad and I cut out the wall to fit the new door in while my brother removed the existing flue pipe for the water heater and furnace. I also removed a couple of windows that were in the part of the house that the addition is tying into. (My parents didn't want windows looking into their new master suite from other parts of the house I guess).

On Sunday I went to my Aunt Kathy's for my Grandma Pat's surprise 81st birthday party. She was suitably surprised and was thrilled to have her family together. We played a round of Grandma themed Pictionary, including places she and my Grandpa had met and dated, previous jobs she held, and some of her passions, including gardening and Sunday school teaching.

I took most of today off because of the horrible weather, this is a picture I took while driving across the San Rafael bridge at seven this morning. Safe , I know!

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