The Yellow Tower of the Abbey of St. Mary

The Yellow Tower of the Abbey of St. Mary
Trim, Ireland

Saturday, April 19, 2008


I've finally caved in to the baser me and decided i need a blog. The title is kind of an inside joke from my days at UCSB. Due to the huge alcohol abuse problems down there every police report was full of kids taken to the drunk tank stories, which of course always ends with, "Housed in Santa Barbara County Jail, Pending Sobriety". At the time i would joke with my friends about starting a band with that name cause we were drunk all the time, but it has somehow evolved into a life lesson for me, a warning against complacency.
It seems that everyone in this world is drunk on something, be it their jobs, sex, alcohol, drugs (legal and otherwise), sports, music, movies or entertainment in general. These can all be wonderful things, but there is such a tendency in this nation, this society in general, to completely immerse yourself in meaningless fluff. I know that I've been guilty of abusing damn near everything on that list at some point. Life can be about so much more than the trivial shit we fill our existence with.
Anyway, that was getting a little too preachy. What Pending Sobriety means to me is that i need to focus on what is real in my life, my girlfriend, my home, my family, my friends, and most of all my future. What i plan on acheiving in this lifetime and how i plan to do it. Where i'm going to go from here. I've taken the bullshit out of my life and am ready for what comes next. I'm tired of this drunk tank shit, ready for the bars of the cell to be thrown open and for my clarity of thought to transform itself into a clarity of purpose, my ideals to mold my actions, and my beliefs to mold my life. Life is too short to do anything else.

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